In weekend-ul acesta am facut cunostiinta cu un termen nou din lumea cailor "Join up" (folosit de Monty Roberts)...
"Join-Up training methods are most simply expressed in the process of starting raw horses. Without the use of pain or force the trainer persuades a raw horse to accept a saddle, bridle and rider. Working in a round pen, one begins Join-Up® by making large movements and noise as a predator would and begins driving the horse to run away. She then gives the horse the option to flee or Join-Up®. Through body language, the trainer will ask, “Will you pay me the respect due to a herd leader and join and follow me?” The horse will respond with predictable herd behavior: by locking an ear on her, then by licking and chewing and dropping his head in a display of trust. The exchange concludes with the trainer adopting passive body language, turning her back on the horse and without eye contact, invites him to come close. Join-Up occurs when the animal willingly chooses to be with the human and walks toward her accepting her leadership and protection. This process of communication through behavior and body language and mutual concern and respect, can be a valuable tool to strengthen all other work with horses."
Deci pe romana... Sa te impui in fata calului si el sa te accepte ca si lider!
Si cum am ajuns sa fac cunostiinta cu acest termen? Pai am luat una bucata cal, Apollo, si una bucata prietena cu care merg calare, si i-am pus impreuna intr-un manej rotund, pt a lucra un pic la trap. Surpriza! Apollo venea dupa mine prin manej, daca am iesit afara el s-a pus cu privirea in directia mea si STOP, chiar si cu cravasa in mana prietenei.
Deci el are incredere in mine, in deciziile mele!? Mi-au trebuit 3 ani si jumatate sa ajung eu la concluzia ca nu imi este frica sa il conduc, pentru ca el ma urmeaza in felul acesta inca din prima zi, dar eu am fost cea care ne-a tinut pe loc.
Frumos, dragute si pozele!