Pentru Haiduci!
joi, 29 decembrie 2011
Happy New Year
Va doresc ca numai cele mai bune amintiri din vechiul an sa ramana cu voi in cel nou!
luni, 5 decembrie 2011
joi, 17 noiembrie 2011
Why I love horses...
Lumea cailor nu are "daca", "dar", "pai", etc. Ei nu stiu sa minta!
In ultima vreme reusesc sa ma inteleg mai bine cu un cal decat cu oamenii din jurul meu, probabil pentru ca stiu sa citesc mai bine calul decat oamenii!?
Pentru ei totul se rezuma la respect, incredere; odata ce legatura aceasta e formata totul merge de la sine, ei au incredere totala.
De ce nu pot oamenii sa fie la fel?
* Sunt trista!
Sunt trista pentru ca nu inteleg minciuna
Sunt trista pentru ca multi nu ma inteleg pe mine
Dar, cel mai trist lucru este ca oamenii nu ii inteleg pe ei.
luni, 26 septembrie 2011
Him and Her
She saw him in the field, and he saw her as well..
He was not afraid, neither was she..
He was wild at heart, untamed by the human hand
She was a wild spirit, not frightened by his power..
Stepping on his turf was the start of it all, "She must be kidding " the stallion puffed
Her hand reached for him, he took a step back
"Stay back" he raised his head, his ears straight, standing tall
Her body leaned forward again, towards him
"Ok, so be it" His weight went down, his front went up
He stood on his hind legs to scare her..
She did not care, he was not a threat to her,
She knew he would be her friend, protector for the years to come...
He was her calm, her equilibrium, her place to rest
She was his only, his heart beat, his connection to the world
Through her eyes he saw the world differently
Through her feet he felt the road softer
They walked together, he trusted she knew the way
She trusted he knew the lay of the land
And so together they moved on from that bad place to a new home!
A new journey had began for both of them
This new chapter in their lives would be their last
As she asked him to stay still, He tried his best no to let her see his fear
He trusted her so, but still he was afraid of the others standing near
The saddle was light on his young back, She sat so light as well
"So this is it" he thought, and let her stroke his back..
They rode perfectly together,
He felt the ground, the mud, the ice
His feet knew were it was safe to go
He got scared, she fell off
She got hurt, he went to see what's wrong
It was not the first time, but usually..
She got up laughing at him, making him feel ashamed
But now, she just stood still.
he stood straight waiting for her to jump up and scare him
tilted his head, stepped closer ..
Her face was hidden, he leaned towards her
Touched her with his soft nose
She loved to kiss his nose when ever he would let his head down
She used to say to friends that there, on that little nose
Was her big slice of heaven
but nothing, she looked like she was sleeping
like she usually does on their trips, while he greases on the best grass..
Still nothing
The stallion got restless, he remembered the beginning, when he was alone
before she found him.
He did not want to be alone again, he did not want to feel death touch him heart
"Not her, not her" his neigh echoed through the valley..
Now, the valley still carries the sound of his pain
Now, she watched over him from above
As he did over her

he runs like he ran with her
He hopes she can feel his love...
By Muresan Ana
miercuri, 27 iulie 2011
Ma duc la scoala din dorinta de a face ceva in viata, de a devenii mai bun...
Lucrez ca sa ma pot intretine, sa pot sa am tot ce imi doresc, sa imi asum alegerile..
Apollo este alegerea pentru care le fac pe toate, as vrea ca toate alegerile mele sa il includa si pe el, viitorul meu sa il aiba in prim plan, relatia noastra sa creasca odata cu timpul..
E greu sa iti asumi alegerile pe care le-ai facut, dar cu siguranta merita fiecare strop de sudoare..!
Nu imi e dor de zilele in care stateam acasa, ma jucam la bloc, pierdeam vremea degeaba..
Bareback riding
Dupa o tura cu Apollo, am hotarat sa il rasfat cu o baie in raul din apropriere, si ne-am pornit pe jos .. Cand am realizat ca destinatia e mai departe decat mi-am imaginat am incercat ceva nou, am incalecat fara sa.
La inceput a fost ciudat si pentru mine si pentru el, dar acum, dupa careva ture si destul de mult lucru in manej ne intelegem perfect, ne-a adus mai aproape, ne-a intarit relatia.. Este cu siguranta un lucru pe care l-as recomanda tuturor..
Dupa 4 ani de zile am ajuns sa STIU nu numai sa cred ca cineva de sus mi l-a trimis, m-a binecuvantat cu prezenta lui, cu privirea lui, cu relatia dintre noi.
Un mic filmulet, cum am depasit frica de bici..





sâmbătă, 21 mai 2011
Cal-ucidere = Om-ucidere
Cum poate tara noastra sa priveasca asa ceva???
Cum putem sa privim in jurul nostru fara sa VEDEM ce sa intampla cu adevarat?
Nu ne-am saturat oare ca nimeni sa nu ne bage in seama???
De astazi visul meu este sa nu mai inchid ochii la nimic si pentru nimeni...
Si va rog pe voi, dragi prieteni, cunoscuti si pasionati sa ne alaturam macar cu gandul eforturilor incepute!!!
Conturi pentru donatii :
Beneficiari intermediari implicati direct in salvarea manjilor:
1. Cabinet Medical Veterinar Dr. Stefan Raileanu
BRDE suc Tulcea
2. Fundatia VIER PFOTEN Romania
Cod de identificare fiscala al entitatii nonprofit: CF 12969627
Cont bancar (IBAN):
CONT IBAN RO 05 RZBR 0000 0600 1008 6169(ROL)
CONT IBAN RO 33 RZBR 0000 0600 1008 6150(Euro)
Tel. 0746.116022 , Fax: 0358.819059, e-mail:,
Drîmbar str. Calea Alba Iulia, nr.120, com. Ciugud, jud. Alba, C .I.F. 26101670/2009,
Banca Transilvania sucursala Alba Iulia. Cod SWIFT al Ecvin Protect este BTRLRO22.
RO09BTRL00101205S27359XX pentru RON
RO81BTRL00104205S27359XX pentru Euro
sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2011
Sa Pastem Fericiti!
luni, 4 aprilie 2011
Join up
luni, 28 martie 2011
Primul weekend
luni, 14 martie 2011
Plang cu lacrimi de copil...
Plang cu lacrimi de copil…
Dupa o zi extrem de grea, am ajuns acasa… Fericita, implinita, si dupa mult timp cu sufletul impacat si linistit!
Stau in pat si plang de fericire… Baiatul meu este din nou in siguranta, din nou la viata buna, din nou inconjurat de oameni care il iubesc! Il voi vedea din nou! Voi petrece clipele fericite din nou alaturi de el! Voi plange din nou alaturi de el! Ii voi impartasi din nou gandurile mele…
Si el? Si el se va plimba,din nou, liber pe dealurile noii sale case… Se va petrece!!!
Am reusit sa supravietuim inca unui hop, inca unui Capitol al vietii noastre… Suntem inca impreuna… La mai mare si mai mult…09.09.2007-14.03.2011
Ana si Apollo,
Va pupa si va promit aventuri din nou!
Si multumesc tututror celor care i-au ajutat pana acum!!!
(Sunt cea mai fericita fata din lume!)